
At AB Mauri acting responsibly is at the core of what we do. We believe this is not only the right thing to do but also leads to a more resilient, successful business over the long term.

Responsibility for us means respecting and investing in people and communities, aiming to reduce our impact on the environment and making the best use of our resources whether in our own operations or in our supply chain.

Our responsibility programme aims to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) in a number of ways.

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognise that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.

Recycling & Conservation-Beneficial Reuse of Reverse Osmosis Permeate and Concentrate

1. Recycling of RO permeate water

Since ETP installation in 2019, ABMP has recycled 44,000 m3 of water and reduced water consumption from 28 to 18 m3/MT of production. Quantum of recycled water is approx. 17 % of the ground water abstracted.

2. Reuse of RO Concentrate/Sludge

Since 2019, ABMP has sent 40,000 MT of RO concentrate/sludge to the 3rd party for making organic fertilizer. Quantum (40,000 MT)of reused RO concentrate/sludge is approx. 13 % of the total ground water abstracted. Overall recycling + reuse is approx. 30 % of the ground water abstracted.

Culture engagement with employees-Coaching

Employees development and growth is important in meeting the organizational goals which is fundamental requirement for stable business. Therefore AB Mauri Pakistan has invested a lot on our employees in the year 2022-2023 by coaching, trainings, and providing the required resources for the safe and stable workplace environment. Therefore, investment per employee/year has increased from 202 USD (2021-2022) to 787 USD (2022-2023) which is approx. 4 time the in done in last year

Culture engagement with employees-Recognition & Rewards

Recognizing and rewarding of employees is important because it motivates people, improve workplace culture, creating a supportive work environment which in turn boost team work and productivity of an organization. AB Mauri Pakistan strongly believe in recognition and rewarding of positive behaviors , that’s why “ Employee Recognition and Award Ceremony” was held in last year on November 04, 2022 and Mr. Douglas Elliot was the Chief Gust for this ceremony. Arrangements for refreshments were also done for the employees and all participants.

Health & Wellbeing of people-Medical screening of all staff

AB Mauri Pakistan has taken the initiative for the health and wellbeing of all employees and have undergone a contract with recognized testing and healthcare unit of Pakistan for the following medical testing. Previously, medical screening was done for all food handlers, which is now, in last year, is extended to all employees.


Being a Good Neighbour (BAGN)- Sponsorship for SMOG Conference

Environment Protection Department (EPD) decided to arrange a consultative session on smog in University of the Punjab on 14th November 2022. The purpose of this session was to invite all the key stakeholders from various departments of the Govt. of Punjab for an update on what is done so far by the EPD and what is to be done in terms of “Mitigation Strategies & Way Forward” in future with consultation and support from other departments.Being a compliant industry, EPD approached AB Mauri Pakistan to participate in the session and sponsor for this noble cause. This activity is part of our general duty to maintain a good relationship with our stakeholders in order to become a good neighbour.

Participation In “International Conference & Exhibition-ICE” Organized by EPA Punjab & World Bank

Being a responsible industry and having a sustainable approach towards environment, ABMP is invited by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) every time to participate in “International Conference & Exhibition-ICE” . A lot of appreciation is received by ABMP at this forum and ABMP ESG work is published in ICE booklet in 2022.

Visit of Minister from Ministry of Climate Change (MOCC) to witness treatment & recycling facility

The Environment Protection Department (EPD) has been appreciating the sustainable approach of AB Mauri Pakistan (ABMP) for treating yeast effluent through HPRO System and recycling of RO (Reverse Osmosis) concentrate (for making Bio fertilizer) and permeate water (Cooling tower, gardening, general purpose cleaning activities). Therefore, the EPD invited ABMP to participate for their good work and Environment, Social and Governance in World Bank Environment ICE-2019 (International Conference & Exhibition) back in September 2019. This ESG work was highlighted by the Environment Protection Department (EPD) on which the senior government officials planned to visit and witness the responsible work done by ABMP. Authorities were happy with the work. Now ABMP is referred as a showcase to the industries in Pakistan EPD.

Food Safety & Quality (FS&Q) Achievements

AB Mauri Pakistan participated in Food Product Development Competition on World Food Safety Day (WFSD) in the University of Central Punjab (UCP). This event was organized by Punjab Food Authority and AB Mauri Pakistan was honored with best performance shield on this event. In addition to this, AB Mauri Pakistan was declared as the runner up site by AB Mauri on World Food Safety Day (WFSD) due to following FS&Q achievements.

Complaint Reduction 85.36 % Reduction  for yeast 60 % Reduction for BI Recalls/Withdrawals Zero for BI and Yeast Right First Time and COPQ 100 % RFT for Yeast 99.65 % RFT for BI Zero COPQ for BI and Yeast

Participation in 18th International Exhibition of Food and Beverage Processing Packaging Technologies

AB Mauri Pakistan participated in the 18th International Exhibition of Food and Beverage Processing Packaging Technologies in Lahore, Pakistan from 7th to 9th September 2023 organized by IFTECH. IFTECH, the most inclusive Food and Beverage industrial event organizer in Pakistan, provide participants & stakeholders significant opportunities for promotion of product and services in their fields. About 25 exhibition countries had participated in this event, covering 75 % foreign and 25 % local exhibitors.It was a successful event w.r.t. meet our existing customers for understanding their needs as well as plans for future. Also had a good meeting with competitors to understand each other.