
Mauripan Instant Dry Yeast

Mauripan Instant Yeast is a free-flowing substance consisting of light fawn-colored rods. It is derived from a pure culture of yeast grown to specific levels of protein and phosphate in sterilized molasses. The yeast is then dried using controlled air drying of a filtered yeast suspension, with rehydration agents added. It possesses a typical yeast aroma, free from any off-odors, and is devoid of detectable foreign material.


  • A naturally derived product containing emulsifiers.
  • Easy handling at mixer.
  • Efficient gas production in dough
  • Good storage stability-long life unopened
  • Ambient storage

Available Packaging

500 gram *20 vacuum sealed packs per carton

Application & Dosage:

IDY is typically used at a rate of 0.5% to 2% of the total flour weight in bread recipes it is also depending on weather conditions and sugar level etc.

Baker's Yeast, Emulsifier (491) vegetable gum (E414).

Physical Appearance
Fine granular rods.

The ideal storage conditions for instant dry yeast (IDY) involve keeping it in a cool, dry place. It should be stored below 25°C (77°F) and away from direct sunlight, moisture, and heat sources.

Shelf Life
24  months 



Yeast is a free-flowing substance consisting of light fawn-colored rods.


Bread Improvers

Bread Improvers are specially designed for making premium quality breads, burgers, buns etc.


Pan Release Agents

De-panning agents are specifically designed for bread production.


Cake Emulsifiers

Cake Emulsifiers are premium gel designed to elevate the quality of cakes and sponges.



Crystalline form of calcium propionate, a commonly used food additive and preservative.


Baking Powder

Baking Powder is a reliable, cost-effective, and premium single-acting chemical leavening agent.
